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LINDSAY James a:c james|k:c(’c) (9)



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    Author: LINDSAY (James)


    ,Lc (3 LINDSAY (James) isinister of St. Aflóre?sL K11marnoc]c A PIi1osopJi.ica1 system of theistic Idealism. dinburgh, 1917.

    Card ID: 281

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    Author: LINDSAY (James Ludovic)


    L°’- c LINDSAY (James Ludovic), 26th Earl of Crawford and 9th Earl of Balcarres. Bibliotheca Lindesiana. Exhibition of books, 28th September, 1928. pp. 24. 8°. [ , 19281, Catalogued from the caption.

    Card ID: 289

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    Author: LINDSAY (James Ludovio)


    LINDSAY (James Ludovio), 26th Earl of Crawford and 9th Earl of Baloarres, Bibliotheca Lindesiana. Hand list of the Boudoir books. pp. 101. 8°. (Leipzig), rrnted for pz’jväte circulation], 1881.

    Card ID: 290

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    Author: LINDSAY (James Ludovia)


    [sj LINDSAY (James Ludovia), 26th Earl of Craqpd& 9thEari Bi1carr. Bibliotheoa Lindesiana.Vol. I ( — Vol. IV.). Catalogue of the printed books preserved at flaigh Hall, Wigan. 4 .vôls,. 4°. Aberdeen fprinteJ, 1910. Only 200 oopies_printed. oi whioh this is_ No.. 116,

    Card ID: 292

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    Author: LINDSAY (James Ludovic)


    LINDSAY (James Ludovic), 26th Earl of Crawford and 9tIiEsrI of Balares. Bibliotheca Lindesiana. Vol.V.(-Vol.VI). A bibliography of Royal Proclamations of the Tudor and Stuart sovereigns, and others published under authority, 1+85—i7i’, with an historical essay on their origin and use by R.Stoele. 2 vols. lfO Oxford, 1910. —Some proclamations of Charles I., b eing addenda to Bibliotheca Lindesiana...By E.J.S.Parsons 8°. [Oxford, 1936.] See ENGLAND. Proclamations. Collections.

    Card ID: 293

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    Author: LINDSAY (James Ludovia)


    :: LINDSAY (James Ludovia), 26th iarLo.f Crawford and9th Earl of Ba1rre. Bibliotheca LindesIaxa.. Vol. VIII. Handlist of proclaaiiations issued by Royal and other oonstitutional authorities, 1714—1910. George I. to Edward VII. Together with an index of names and places. pp. xxi. + 836 columns + 162 pp. 40, Wign., 1913.

    Card ID: 295

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    Author: LINDSAY (James Ludovio)


    EJ LINDSAY (James Ludovio). 26th Earl of_Crawford ar1 9th Ee.rl of Balcarrès. Ear’y bindings, broadsides, proclamations and balladà, exhibited by the Earl of Crawford at the Soirée of the Society of Antiquaries, 23rd June, 1886. pp.. 8. 4°. fLoori, prnte for ivate äirculation, 1886.)

    Card ID: 298

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    Author: LINDSAY (James Ludovio)


    - [JOIi LINDSAY (James Ludovio). 26th Earl of Crwrfor an. 9th Earl of Baloar— res, Seooncl International Library Oonferenoe. £ist of manusoript, printed books and examples of bookbinding, exhibited to tlio Amet’ioan librarians on the occasion of their visit to Haigh Hall. pp. 76. 80. Aberdeen tprintecl for pvate oiroulation), 1879. [With the book-plate of the arl f Crawforr I

    Card ID: 299

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    Author: LINDSAY (James Ludovic)


    Paiaeogr ap1y Room Palaeography Room Reference only LINDSAY (James Ludovic), 26th Earl of Crawford and 9th Ear]. of Balcarres. See INDO. [III.] Roxburgie Club. [Publications.] [240.) Bibliotheca Lindesiana: the lives and collections of Alexander William, 25th Earl of Crawford and 8th Earl of Balcarres, and James Ludovic, 26th Earl of Crawford and 9th Earl of Balcarres. [By] Nicolas Barker. fol. London, 1977.

    Card ID: 301