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LILY, William
DOUGALL, Lily and EMLiET, Cyril william
Author: LILY (William)
b E’1 LILY (William), the Grammarian. De octo orationis partiurn constructione libellus, turn eJ.egans in prirnis, turn dilucida breuitate copiosissimus. [By W.Lily, amended by Erasmus.] if. 27. 8°. Apud S.Colineurn: Paris, 1523. The title—page is surrounded by a woodcut border. Bound in volume lettered: “Erasmi opus de conscrib.
Card ID: 588
(4 LILY (William), the Granartan. •1. A Short introduction of graicmar...Copiled and set forth for the.., knowledge of the t,atine tonue,etc. (Brevissima instit.utio, seu ratio grammatices cog— nosoend, etc.) [By 1. Lily and J. Colet]. At the 7’heater: Oxforti, 167. [Another edibion]. At the Theater: Oxford, 1633. [Another edition]. Roger Iforton:. London, 1715. —LAnother edition]. S.8ucLey * f. &ongi’an: tondo., 17.6. [fnohsr edition]. S. 8uc ieq 7. Lonzan; ‘ondon, 1789. See INTRODUCTION.
Card ID: 592
f) U- LJ LILY (William), - A Shorte introduction of grammar. By W.Lily. [Consisting of Lily’s’Rudmenta’ and a revision of Colet’s’Aeditio’. A facsimile of the edition of 1567.] With an introduction by V.J.Flynn. pp. xii. + (206). 8°. New York, 1945. One ot the series ‘SchQlgrs’ Facsjmfles & Reprints’.
Card ID: 593
YAC LU LILY (William), the Gramrrrian. A Short introd.u.ction of gremflEr. l519. [1csIrnile.] pp. (90). Scolar Press: Thenston, 1970.
Card ID: 594
- ;, LILY (William), the Grammarian. Extracts from •Li1ys Grammar.] Gulielud Lilil itonita padagogica. CATO (Marcus P.), th QensLQ. [Supposititious Works. — Disticha de Moribus. — Latin..] Catonis Disticha mora].ia, et Lilii !on±ta a method intirely J.Stirling.. The fourth edition. London, 1755.
Card ID: 595
LILY (William), the Grammarn. See FLYNN (1J.J.) The Grammatieal writings of William Lily, -?1468-?1523. [New Yorkj, 1943.
Card ID: 596
Author: DOUGALL (Lily) and EMLiET (Cyril william)
DOUGALL (Lily) and EMLiET (Cyril william). The Lord of thought: a study of the problems which confronted Jesus Christ and the solution he offered. pp. viii. + 32L. 8°. London, 1922.
Card ID: 175