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LIGNE, charles Joseph de
LIGNE, Charles Joseph de
SHOBERL, Frederick
Author: LIGNE (charles Joseph de)
LIGNE (Charles Joseph de), Prince. Mémoires dii Prince Eune de Savoie. crits par 1ui—mme for mther by Charles Joseph, Prince de Ligne]. London, 1810. See EUGENE FBAI’JCIS, Prince or Savov.
Card ID: 338
Author: LIGNE (Charles Joseph de)
(i ) LIGNE (Charles Joseph de), Prince. Lettres et pensées du Maroha1 Prince de Ligne, publiees par Mde. de St&él Holstein. Contenant des anecdotes inedites sur Joseph II, Catherine II, Frederic—le—Grand, Rousseau, Voltaire &c., et des remarques interessantes sur les Turos. 2 vols. 12°. London, 1808—09.
Card ID: 336
MCK EUG LIGNE (Charles Joseph de), prince. Memoirs of Prince Eigene of Savoy, written by himself Eor rather, by Charles Joseph, Prince de I.igne]. Pransited from the. • .French edition, containing all those passages.,. suppressed by order of the French government, by F.Shoberl, 80. London, 1811. See EUGENE FRANCIS, Prince of Savoy. [Memoires dii Prince Eugne de Savoie. - English.]
Card ID: 339
Author: WILDEN (Louis)
3S,t ‘ DUMON—WILDEN (Louis). La Vie de Charles—Joseph do Ligne, prince de 1’Europe .Trançaise. (e Roman dQs granes Existences, 10.) pp. 8) + 377. 0 8 Paris, 1927.
Card ID: 10
Author: SHOBERL (Frederick)
MC1C EUG SHOBERL (Frederick). See EUGENE FRCIS, Prince of Savov. LMemoirea du Prince Eugne de Say-ole. - English.] Memoirs of Prince Eugene of Savoy, written by himself [or rather, by Charles Joseph, Prince de Ligne). Trenslated from the. . .French edition, containing all those passeges... suppressed by order of the French government, by F.Shoberl, etc. 8 London, 1811.
Card ID: 130