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LEY Edward a:p will|k:p (will) (6)
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LEY, Edward
LEY, Edward Sculley
LEY, William Edward
POV(LEY, Edward Barzillai
LEY, Edward Smith
LEY, Edward George Goffè Siit
Author: LEY (Edward)
I6Y wAILsLEY (Edward). PhyEsiognomical portraits. One hundred distinguished characters from undoubted originals, engraved in the line manner by the most eminent British artists. [With memoirs.] English and French. 2 vols. L. P. (1. I.J fol. London, 1824. The Engraved title-pages bear the dates 1822 and 1823 respeotielj. [Another impression.] French. 2 vole, in 1. [G. G. ] 3 London, [1824. ‘--[ea next card.]
Card ID: 320
Author: LEY (Edward Sculley)
33 YTL W62A 961 BRfJ)LEY (Edward Sculley). V1HITMAN (Walt). (The Collected writings of Walt Whitman. General editore: G.W Allen and E.S. Bradley.) New York, 1961, etc.
Card ID: 355
Author: LEY (William Edward)
BUCItLEY (William Edward). See LO1DQ1. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Soc,ieties, eta.] Roxburghe Club. (?ub1ioation 82. The o16. english vezsion or Partonope of Blois. W.E. Buckley. London, 1862.
Card ID: 342
Author: POV(LEY (Edward Barzillai)
POV(LEY (Edward Barzillai). The House of De la Pomerai, (Continued.] 7 typescript leaves containing ernendations and new data and dated August 1947 are inserted in a pocket at the end of the volume.
Card ID: 312
Author: LEY (Edward Smith)
STAi’LEY (Edward Smith), 45th Earl of Derby. A Letter to the Right Hon. Lord Stanley, on national education. By a clergyman of the Established Church. pp. 44. tG. G.] 8°. London, 189.
Card ID: 289
Author: LEY (Edward George Goffè Siit)
STAiLEY (Edward George Goffè Siit), ith Ear]. Dei1v. [Appeni. I L’Autriche clans le Royaume 1onbardo-vcnitien ses finances, son administration. Lettres a Lord Derby. [The foreword is signed: Henri Martin, N.Planat de la Faye.) pp. 59. 8°. Paris, 1859.
Card ID: 274