
Search Term (count):

LEWIS William James a:as william|k:it (william) (3)



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    Author: LEWIS (William James)


    LEWIS (William James). A Treatise on crystallography. (Caxnbridge eoloa1 Series.) pp. xii. +l - fliustraions. 80. Cambridge, 1899,

    Card ID: 430

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    Author: CAMPBELL (Lewis) and GARNETT (William)


    t CAMPBELL (Lewis) and GARNETT (William), Fellow of St. John’s College,Cambridg The Life of James Clerk Maxwell, with a selection from his correspondence and occasional writings, and a sketch of his contributions to science.. .With. . .portrâ.its... plates, etc. pp. xvi. + 662. [L.I.J 8. London, 1882.

    Card ID: 125

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    Author: No Author available


    yo F{75G sucrs (Alphonse James Albert). see an (Prederick William Serafino Austin Lewis Mary), calling himself Baron COIWO. The Desire and pursuit of the whole: a romance of sodern Venice...With an introduction by A.J.A. Symons and foreword by W.H. kaden. (Third edition.) 80. London, 1961.

    Card ID: 136