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LEWIS John Frederick a:on john|k:0799 (3)
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LEWIS, John Frederick
RMER, Lewis Charles and ?ORTON, Frederick John
Author: LEWIS (John Frederick)
• LEWIS (John Frederick) See LONDON [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, —- Societies, etc. I Old Water—Colour Society’s CIU. The Old Water—Colour Society’s Club, third. annual. volume, etc. (John Frederick Lewis, R.., 18O5—k876: some contemporary notices, with commenl.s by the editor (RDavies. With a list of works exhibited, compiled by B.S.Long, and sale catalogues. J pp. 3t-.O, London, 1926.
Card ID: 207
LEWIS (John Frederick). See WALKER’S QUARTERLY. Walker’s Quarterly. No. 28. STOKES (H.) John Frederick Lewis, etc. London, 1929.
Card ID: 209
Author: RMER (Lewis Charles) and ?ORTON (Frederick John)
3 XOD IL4RMER (Lewis Charles) and ?ORTON (Frederick John). A Manual of modern Spanish. (Second edition, reprint.d.) pp. 623. London, 1969.
Card ID: 114