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LEWIS Henry a:as john|k:to (john) (8)



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    Author: LEWIS (Henry)


    LEWIS (Henry), Swansea. The Sentence in Welsh, Lond, [1943). LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, British Academy I’ or tPrmQtipn Qf istorical, Philosophical and Philological Studie. The Sir John Rhs Memorial Lecture. 1942.

    Card ID: 173

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    Author: WICKHAM (Henry Lewis) and CRIiI4ER (John Antony)


    PEPOBITC’rc i WICKHAM (Henry Lewis) and CRIiI4ER (John Antony), A Dissertation on the passage of Hannibal over the Alps.. Second edition. pp. 235. 80. LoMon, l28.

    Card ID: 83

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    Author: LETON (John henry)


    LV MIDL)LETON (John henry)b The Lewis collection of gems and rings in the posession of Corpus Christi Co11ee, Cabridge. With an introQuctory essay on ancicnt gems. Lonaon,1892. ee CjMBRIDGE. Universitof Ccunbrioge. Corpus Christi College.

    Card ID: 540

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    Author: DAVIES (1andaU Robert Henry)


    DAVIES (1andaU Robert Henry). John Frederick Lewis, R.A., t8O—t876; some contemporary notiees, with comments by the editor [R.Davies). See LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc. ] Old Wter—Colour Socie,ys Club. - The Old Water—Colour Society’s Club, third annual volume, eta-. pp. 3,1—40. Plates. London, 1.926.

    Card ID: 185

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    Author: WALPOLE (Horace)


    ‘IL Reference only WALPOLE (Horace), Earl of Orford. [Letters.] The Yale edition of Horace Walpole’s correspondence, etc. EcontinueZT 37—39. Correspondence with Henry Seymour Conway, Lady Ailesbury, Lord and Lady Hertford, Mrs Harris (Lord Beauchamp, Henrietta Seymour Conway,. Lord Henry and Lord Hugh Seymour). Edited by W.S. Lewis, Lars B. Troide, Edwine H. Hartz and Robert A. Smith. 3 vols, 1974, 40—42. Horace Walpole’ a miscellaneous correspondence. Edited by 11.5. Lewis and John Riely, with the assistance of Edwine N. Hartz and Ruth K. McClure. 3 vols. 1980. SEE t1EXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 367

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    Author: No Author available


    ‘Y° (i’,c. GAWSNORTH (John), poeud. [i.e. Terence Ian Fytton ARMSTRONG.] Frederick Rolfe arid others a miscellany of essays on John Gray, Henry Williamson, Ronald Firbank, André Raffalovich and Frederick, Baron Corvo. By J. Gawsworth, A. Wigginton, D. Duck, the Lady M. Sackville and S. Houédard, together with a contribution from G. Fielding and a theological fragment by F. Rolfe, etc. [Aylesford], 1961. See ROLFE (Fredecick William Serafino Austin Lewis Mary), calling himself Baron CORVO. [Apjendix. j

    Card ID: 268

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    Author: No Author available


    )/() ((C.) ROLFE (Frederick William Serauino Austin Lewis Mary), calling himself Baron CORVO. [Appendix.] Frederick Rolfe and others: a miscellany of essays on John Gray, Henry Williamson, Ronald Firbank, Andri Raffalovich and Frederick, Baron Corvo. By J. Gawswor’th, A. Wigginton, D. Duck, the Lady M. Sackville and S.Houdard, together with a contribution. from 0. ?ie1din and a theological fragment by F. Rolfe, . [Issued by the Aylesford Review.] pp. 39. 80. CAylesfordJ, 1961. No. 331 of 450 copies printed.

    Card ID: 686

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    Author: WALPOLE (Horace)


    WALPOLE (Horace), Earl of The Yale edition of Horace Walpole’s correspondence, [Continued.] 28—29. Correspondence with William Mason. Edited by W.S.Le’jjg, G.Cronin and C.H.Bennett. 1955. 30. Correspondence with George Selwyn, Lord Lincoln, Sir Charles Hanbury Williams, Henry Pox, Richard Edgoumbe. Edited by W.S. Lewis and RA. Snith. 1961. 31. Correspondence with Hannah More, Lady Browne, Lady Mary Coke, Lady Hervey, Lady George Lennox, Arnie Pitt, Lady Suffolk, Mary Hamilton (Mrs. John Dicker---” 4ted by W.S.Lewis, R.A, Smith H. Bennett. 1961. Si N-XT C.]

    Card ID: 365