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LEVY, Paul
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Author: LEVY (Paul)
-i LEVY (Paul), D.ès L. Die Verwertung der Mundarten im Deutech— unterrichte hSherer Lehranstalten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Essischen von P. Levy, etc. Leipzig and Berlin, 1913. See ZEITSCRRIFTFJRDENDEUTSCHE.N UNTERRIGHT Zeitsahrjft fiLr den deutsohen Unterricht. Ergnzungsheft. 8.
Card ID: 87
r LEVY (Paul), Mathemtician. - Hommage M. Paul Lvy. [Edited by D. Dugué.) Part 1, ej. Paris, 1957, . See PARIS. Universit de Paris. Institut de tatisticu. Publications, etc. Vol.6, Part 3, etc.
Card ID: 89
Author: No Author available
LQDO. University of _London. SChQD1 of Oriental and African Studies. Jordan lectures in comparative religion. TVoiumes in this series are fully catalogued under the autiiors:] erc 1. RENOU (Louis). Religions of ancient India. 1953. 2. DAUBE (David). The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism. 1956. 3. LEVY (Paul). Professor at the Sorbonne. Buddhism: a “Mystery religion”? 1957. NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 471
MEMORIAL DES SCIENCES MATHE?1ATIQUES. Méniorial des sciences math4matiques, {i.nued.] [From Vol. 126 voluiies in this series are fully cata1ogucd under their authors.] 126. LEVY (Paul), Mathematician. Le Mouvement brownien. 1954. kJ 127. POLl (Louis) and DELERUE (P.) Le Calcul symbolique a deux variables et ses ap1ications. 1954. rSEE NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 52