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LEVY Louis a:a louis|k:in (louis) (7)
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LEVY, Louis
LEVY, Louis Edwird
LEVY, Louis Germain
No Author available
Author: LEVY (Louis)
POS1TOR1 LEVY (Louis). Vrités sur la France. pp. 192. Portr4. 8°. jjaron&sworth and 1941.
Card ID: 73
Author: LEVY (Louis Edwird)
: T:c 33 I;ITD1 Wol LEVY (Louis Edwird). WoLF (Simon), of Washington. Te Anrican Jew as patriot, soldier nd citizen...ited by L.E.Levy. 80. Philadelphia, 1895.
Card ID: 74
Author: LEVY (Louis Germain)
6 R LEVY (Louis Germain). L-Q\r Ma!aionide...Nouve11e &lition. fwith a bib1iograph. I (Ies GraiidsPhi1osophç.) pp. ii. + 26. 80. Paris, 1932.
Card ID: 76
Author: No Author available
TEILllG L1R I - I REFERENCE ONLY SI]O! (Stephen Louis). See lEVY IA.) The Private life of Napoleon...From the French by 5.1. Simeon, etc. London, 1894.
Card ID: 544
xli, C53V 971 TEfl (Harry louis). Claudlan s In RuT mum: an exegetical conmtntary r tarry I. Levy. With an appendix containing the author’s 1935 edItion of the text with introduction and textual coninentary. [Cleveland, Ohio), 1971. See CIAUOI&NUS (CLaudius). [In Rufinum. - latin.)
Card ID: 39
LQDO. University of _London. SChQD1 of Oriental and African Studies. Jordan lectures in comparative religion. TVoiumes in this series are fully catalogued under the autiiors:] erc 1. RENOU (Louis). Religions of ancient India. 1953. 2. DAUBE (David). The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism. 1956. 3. LEVY (Paul). Professor at the Sorbonne. Buddhism: a “Mystery religion”? 1957. NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 471
MEMORIAL DES SCIENCES MATHE?1ATIQUES. Méniorial des sciences math4matiques, {i.nued.] [From Vol. 126 voluiies in this series are fully cata1ogucd under their authors.] 126. LEVY (Paul), Mathematician. Le Mouvement brownien. 1954. kJ 127. POLl (Louis) and DELERUE (P.) Le Calcul symbolique a deux variables et ses ap1ications. 1954. rSEE NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 52