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LEVY Hermann a:l q|k:l (q) (7)
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LEVY, Hermann
LEVY, Hermann Mitte
WILSON, ff Arnold Talbot and LEVY, Hermann
Author: LEVY (Hermann)
DE?oslropr LEVY (Hermann). Eoonomio liberalism. pp. xi. . 124. 8. London, 1913.
Card ID: 42
LEVY (Hermann). L,q Industrial Germany: a study of its monopoly organisations and their control by the state. [With a bibliography.] pp. x. + •(2) + 245. Tables. 8°. Cambridg, 1935.
Card ID: 45
LEVY (Hermann). The New aspects of industrial combination, Lori4Q, 1936. OXFORD. Barnt t ITouse. Barnett !ouse papers. 19.
Card ID: 47
‘tPOSITORY LEVY (Hermann). Retail trade associations: a new form of monopolist organisation in Britain. A report to the Fabian Society. IWith a bibliography.] (International Library oLSocJ.o1o arid Social Rççnstructipn.) pp. x. + 265. 8°. London, 1942.
Card ID: 48
LEVY (Hermann). The Shops of Britain: a. study of retail distribution. [With a bibliography.] (Internatlona.1 Library of Sociology and Social Reconstruction.) p. vii. + 246. 8°. ondon, 1947 [1948].
Card ID: 49
Author: LEVY (Hermann Mitte)
YL B3-7E 970 LEVY (Hermann Mitte). See BfCIGO1D (Wifliani Thoass). [smaller CoUectic*ia.] Modern novel writing 4 1796’) and Azemia < 1797> Facsimile reproductions with an introduction by H.M. Levy, Jr., etc. Gainesville, Fla., 1970.
Card ID: 54
Author: WILSON (ff Arnold Talbot) and LEVY (Hermann)
WILSON (ff Arnold Talbot) and LEVY (Hermann). Workmen’s compensation. [with a bibliograph*es.] 2 vols. 0 8 . London, 1959-41. 1. Social and po1itica1Aeveiopent. 2. The Need for reform.
Card ID: 56