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LEVI, David
Author: LEVI (David)
P&tous Library i06 LEVI (David), of Mile End (Letters to Dr. Priestley. — Aendix KRAUTEE (Philip D.) A New succinct and candid exanination of llr. David Levi’s objections against Jesus Christ and theGospel history, in his letters to Dr. Priestley. Bath and Londpn, 1787.
Card ID: 304
£rteu3 Iibrar; 98 LEVI (David), of blue End New Town. SWAIN (John H.) The Objections of Mr. D.Levi, to the mission, conduct and doctrine of the Lord Jesus Christ examined. Londorn, 1787.
Card ID: 306
PS I Bdd-Studies I LEVI (David). Voltaire et son exgse dii Pentateuue: critique et po1mique. [Vo1taires views as expressed in various works.] pp. 31i5. Banbury, 1975, In BANBURY. Voltaire Foundation. Studies on Voltaire and the eighteenth century, 130.
Card ID: 19