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LEVERE, Trevor Harvey
TURNER, Gerard L’Estrange and LEVERE, Trevor Harvey
Author: LEVERE (Trevor Harvey)
CDF 1ev LEVERE (Trevor Harvey). Affinity and matter: elements of chemical philosophy, 1800—1865. pp. 230. Bibi., plates and illus. Oxford, 1971.
Card ID: 220
AK7 Mar LEVERE (Trevor Harvey). MARUM (Martinus van). Hartinus van Maruin: life and work. [By various authors.] Edited by R.J.Forbe& (E.Lefebvre and Bruijn). Vol. 4. Van arum’s scientific instruments in Teyler’s Museum. By G.L’E.Turner and T.H.Levere. Leyden, 1973.
Card ID: 221
Author: TURNER (Gerard L’Estrange) and LEVERE (Trevor Harvey)
AK? Nar TURNER (Gerard L’Estrange) and LEVERE (Trevor Harvey). Van Marum’s scientific in6truments in Teylr’s Museum. leyden, 1973. See KARU)4 (flartinuc van). )artinus van Maru,n: life and work. [By various authors.] Edited by R,J.Forbes (E.Lefebvre nd Bruijn). Vol. 4.
Card ID: 387