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LEUPOID Jacob leupoid (jacob) (2)



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    Author: LEUPOID (Jacob)


    LEUPOID (Jacob). Theatr’um Machinarum Hydrotechnicarwu. Sohau flatz der Wasser-Bau-Kunst, etc. pp. (12) ÷ 184 + (4). Plates. Li.I.3 fol. Leipzig, 1774. A Common index or this and. 8 other_works by the same author is to be ±‘omid. at the end o ‘Theatri machinarurn suppleznentum.

    Card ID: 56

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    Author: No Author available


    E jO {LcuoL.j j1 LEUPOID (Jacob).. Thea tn machinarwn hydraulicarwn. . . oder, Sohau—Platz der Wasaer-Ktlnste, etc. 2 voJ.8. in 1. Plates. IL. I.j fol. Leipzig, 1790, 1774. A Common index for this and 8 other riorks by the same autho is to be found at thi inä. of “Theatni rnachinarum supplementum.”

    Card ID: 55