
Search Term (count):

LESTER Richard Allen a:l robert|k:l (robert) (2)



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    Author: LESTER (Richard Allen)


    , ‘ ! LESTER (Richard Allen). Adjustmet to labor shortages: management practices and institutional controls in an area of expanding employment, Princeton, 1955. See PRINCITON (NEW JERSEY). Princeton Universiy. Department of conomics and Soçja Institutions. Industrial Relations Section. Research report series,19.

    Card ID: 168

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    Author: LESTER (Richard Allen)


    LESTER (Richard Allen) and ARONSON (Robert L.) Job modifications under collective bargaining: a survey of company experience and four case studies. Princeton, 1950. PRINCETON (NEW JERsEY). princeton UnIver.t Deprtment of EconomIcs and Social Institutions. Ixidustrial k(elations Section. Research report series, no. 8o.

    Card ID: 174