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LESLIE Charles Robert a:on robert|k:an (robert) (6)
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FLETCHER, Charles Robert Leslie
LESLIE, Charles Robert
No Author available
Author: FLETCHER (Charles Robert Leslie)
MCcQ FLETCHER (Charles Robert Leslie). Gustavus Adoiphus and. the struggle of Protestantism for existence. (HeQes Qt t_ItQfl) pp. xviii. + 316. Poriraits, ‘plates,. rnps hnd.genealojcaj table. 8°. New York and London, [1890]. Inarfept axtij the Xolded raa. 1 7
Card ID: 311
Author: LESLIE (Charles Robert)
5T4C( VLeT CON Les Reference only LESLIE (Charles Robert) Memoirs of the life of John Constable... Composed chiefly of his letters...Second edition. pp. xi. + 363. Plates. 4 . London, 1845 [SEE NEXT CARD]
Card ID: 496
Author: No Author available
.1 FLETCIER (Charles Robert Leslie). Edmond Warre, D.D., C.B., C.V.O., sornetin,e headmaster and Provost of Eton College, pp. xii. + 323. Portraits, plates and tables. 8°. London, 1922.
Card ID: 309
‘f i-i. L-,., Lij LESLIE (Charles Robert). Autobiographical recollections. .Ed.ited, with a prefatory essay on Leslie as an artist, arid selections from his correspondence, by T. Taylor, e. 2 vols. Portrait. 8° London, 1860.
Card ID: 494
(;,3 ‘v”] (2qL1.- FLETCHER (Charles Robert Leslie). AU Souls College v. Lady Jane Stafford, 1587. Folded plan. See OXFORD. Oxford Historical Sooiey. 1Publicatioi1. 5,eto. Oollectanea. First Series. pp. 179— 247. Second Series. pp. 479—480. Qord, l8859O.
Card ID: 308
‘- DEPoTORY’. FLETCHER (Charles Robert. Leslie). Historical portraits.. .1400—1600. The lives by C. R. L. Fletcher. (1600—1700. The lives by H. B. Butler and C. R. L. Fletcher. —1700—1850. The lives by C.. R. L. Fletcher.) The portraits chosen by Emery Walker. With an introduct,ion [to vol. I.] on the hist.or of portraiture in England. (Vols. II—IV. with an introduction by C. F. Bell.) 4 vOls. 4°. Oxford, 1909—19. 1. 1400—1600. 2. 1600—1700. 3. 1700—1800. 4. 1800—1850.
Card ID: 312