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LER, Arthur
Author: LER (Arthur)
DEPOSITORY FElLER (Arthur). Farewell to security: Germany and the world, 1919—39. LAVES (Waiter. H.C.) International security, etc. pp. 79—101. 1939.
Card ID: 152
XWT S37G SCHtIT1LER (Arthur). [Der tapl’ere CassIan.-En1ish.] Gallant Cass Ian: a puppet-play in one act... Translated from the third edition of the original by A.L.Gowans. pp. l5. 8°. London and Glasgow, l9l4-.
Card ID: 506
537a Sel SHNflLER (Arthur). See SELLING (Gwzter). Die Einalcter imd Einalcterzyklen Arthur Schnitzlers. Amsterdam, 197.
Card ID: 528