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LEE Nathaniel a:in alexander|k:in (alexander) (5)
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LEE, Nathaniel
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Author: LEE (Nathaniel)
LEE (Nathaniel). [Alexander the Great.) gg infra: [The Rival Queens.)
Card ID: 146
YJ L43G LEE (Nathaniel). The Rival, queens: (or, The Death of Alexander the Great). 1677. [A facsimile reprint of a cow in the Bodlelan Library.] pp. (14), 64. Scolar Press: Menston, [19Th].
Card ID: 161
YBL Eel Reference only LEE (Nathaniel). [The Rival çuecns.) Alexander the Great: a tragedy...With alterations. As performed at the Theatre itoyal in Drury Lane. Regulated from the ?‘r. Hopkins1 prompter. (Bell’s Edition.) pp. 57. Frontis. London, 1776. Bound in a volume lettered: Bell’s British Theatre, 7.
Card ID: 154
Author: No Author available
‘‘. LEE (Nathaniel). The R1ve1 queens; or, the Death of Alexander . the Great, A tragedy,..dapted for theetrical representation, as performed at the Theatres- Royal, Drury—Lane and Covent-Garden, . pp, 79 + (3). Plates. 12. Lordon, 1793. Bound in a volume lettered: British Thetre. 9.
Card ID: 155
—LCt!.PJ1C1iW t-c ‘-‘ c,uai)Pt Lt.c.3 LzF (Nathaniel). Csar Bàrgia, son ofPope Alexander the Sixth: a tragedy un Live acts and in verse]. Acted at the Duke’s Theatre by their Royal Highnesses servants. ‘1ritten by Nat. Lee. pp. (8) + 70 ÷ (2). [D.—L.L.J 40 Printed by Ft.E. for R.Bentln and L24ges: 1680. i twn:
Card ID: 147