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LEE John a:be william|k:it (william) (7)
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LEE, John
SEWARD, William Henry
No Author available
Author: LEE (John)
YHFP g6g LEE (John), Actor. See SHAKESPEARE (William). [Macbeth.’] The Historical tragedy of Macbeth. (Newly adapted to the stage, with alterations (by J. Lee], as performed at the Theatre in Edinburgh.’ 1753. A tacsimile...frcri the copy In the Birmingham Shakespeare Library. London, 1969.
Card ID: 103
Author: SEWARD (William Henry)
j33 NFO AP4 SEWARD (William Henry). Life and public services of John Q.uincy Adams, sixth President of the United States. With the eulogy delivered before the Lee,islature of New York. pp. 404. Portrait. 0 8 . Auburn, 1849.
Card ID: 28
Author: No Author available
Cj.-L.L9 _-u — P E’- r L SflAKESPEAriE (William). [Appendix. - Shakespeare— acon Controversy.] PARSONS (John D.) Sir Sidney Lee & absolute proof, etc. London, published by the author, 1920.
Card ID: 546
—1- -- . (‘) I!k CS - - Cn !‘ J SHAKESPEARE (William). [Appendix. - ShakespeaBacon Controversy. j PABSONS (John D.) Sir Sidney Lee challenged: being a copy of a letter that explains itself. [tondon, 1933].
Card ID: 547
(jl)1 [Sc.rJ .•1•) SHAKESPEARE (William). [Appendix. —Bibliorju,hy.] See LONDON. [III.] Londoii Shaicesj,eare League. Tercentenary of the publiation of the First Folio of Shakespeare’s works, edited by John Heininge and Henry Condell, 1623. The prefatory pages of the First Folio, with a comment by Sir Sidney Lee. Londcn, 1925.
Card ID: 80
‘t.L.D (I)) %c Ccc - - 7( 1 SHAKESPEARE (William). [Appendix. — ShakepeareBaogn Controversy. j PARSONS (John D.) Ben Jonson & Sir Sidney Lee: being an inquiry into the accuracy of the phrase “Swan of Avon”, . Loncion, published by the author, 1920
Card ID: 535
COL1T1C LATOMUS. Collection Latomua. CContinued.J ?I i_ 148. FITZ (Jend). La Pannonie aoua Gaflien. 1976. FLt i+9. RICH (John William). Declaring Jri Roman £epublic in the period of tranmarine expanaion. 1976. 150. DESMOULIEZ (André). Cicron et eon gout: esaai cur une dfinition d’une esth6tique romaine la fin de la Rpublique. 1976. LTL 151. ROULAND (Norbert). Lee Eaclaves romanes en tempe cle LL guerre. Avant-propos de L.R. Nénager. 1977. 152. GAGE (Jean). Enqutes cur lee structures sociales et religieusee de la Rome nrimitjve 1977. 4.- tSEE NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 394