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LEDERER John to (john) (6)
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MING, William Patterson
AR, Peter Frigyes and LE[ER, Ivo John
Author: LEDERER (John)
LcI LEDERER (John). The Discoveries of John Lederer [translated frola the Latin by Sir William albot), with unpublished letters by and about Lederer to Governor John Afinthrop, Jr. and an essay on the Indians of Lederer’s Discoveries by D.L. Rights and W.P. Gumming. Edited with notes by PI.P. Cumming. [With a bibliography.) pp. xi. + 148. Facsimile and maps. 8°. Charlottesville, Va. and Winston— Salem4 N.., 1958.
Card ID: 342
Author: No Author available
Ni kS L.d. TALBOT (Sir William). See LEDERER (John). The Discoveries of John Lederer ttrans— lated from the Latin by Sir William Talbot), etc. Charlottesville, Va. and Winston— Salem, N.C., 1958.
Card ID: 247
Author: MING (William Patterson)
Nfr\S CU1MING (William Patterson). See LEDERER (John). The Discoveries of John Lederer Crans— lated from the Latin by Sir William Talbot], with unpublished letters by and about Lederer to Governor John Winthrop, Jr. and an essay on the Indians of Lederer’s Discoveries by D.L. Rights and W.P. Cumniin. Edited with notes by W.P. Cumniing. Charlottesville, Va. and Winston— Salein,N.C., 1958.
Card ID: 47
Author: AR (Peter Frigyes) and LE[ER (Ivo John)
&AR (Peter Frigyes) and LE[ER (Ivo John). Nationalism in Eustern Europe. [By various authors.] Fdited by P.F. Su8ar and I. J. lederer. (Far Eastern and Russian Institute Publication ri Eusia.,wd. ,a3ter .EurQpe, 1.) pp..46. Seattle end London, 1969. •HP ZrCTZ i TYU! ir ‘4 Any rJci i o tttL Inc Lstr.Xr.
Card ID: 249
RIGHTS (Douglas L.) See LEDEREE (John). The Discoveries of John Ledererftrans— lated from the Latin by Sir William Talbot], with unpublished letters by and about Lederer to Governor John Winthrop, Jr. and an essay on the Indians of Lederer’s Discoveries by D.L. Rights, etc. Charlottesville, Ve. and Winston— Salem, N • C., 1958.
Card ID: 544
l}es- Ph.? V)5i. DON1’JE (John), Dean o1 St. Paul’s. [Apjendix.) § LEDERER (Josef). The Manifestations of the Baroque in the works of John Donne. 1951.
Card ID: 556