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LECONTE John Lawrence a:h columbia|k:h (columbia) (3)
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LECONTE, John Lawrence
Author: LECONTE (John Lawrence)
LECONTE (John Lawrence). ClassUication of the coleoptera of North America. Part II. hip.on, 1873. WASHINGTON (Columbia). Smithsonian Institution. Smithsonian miscellaneous coilections. Vol.11. [ArtIcle VI.] No.265.
Card ID: 228
LECONTE (John Lawrence). New species of North American coleoptera. Part II. Washington, 1873. See WLS1{INGTOEJ (COLULSIA) - Smithsonian Instituti Smithsonian miscellaneous collections. Vol.11. [Article V.] No.264.
Card ID: 232
LECONTE (John Lawrence) and HORN (George H.). Classification of the coleoptera of North America. WashiD, 1883. ยง WASHINGTON (Columbia). Smithsonian InstitutiQz Smithsonian miscellaneous collections Vol.26. [Article IV.] No.507.
Card ID: 234