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LE John Philip a:as john|k:to (john) (4)
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LE, John Philip
KEMBLE, John Philip
No Author available
Author: LE (John Philip)
Y’c1_ KEfLE (John Philip). See BAKER (H.) John Philip Keuble: the actor in his theatre. Cambridge, Mass., 1942.
Card ID: 574
Author: KEMBLE (John Philip)
YBL Oxb KEMBLE (John Philip). .a! OXflRY (William). The New English drama, etc. Vol. 13. (The Follies of a day: a comedy. [Adapted by Thomas Moicroft from ‘Le Manage de k’igaro’ of P..A.Caron de Beaumarchais and altered by J.P.Kemble.] 12°. London, 1822.
Card ID: 580
Author: No Author available
Malcolm Morley . Collection 1E!LE (John Philip). The Panel: a comedy in three acts, [1875?] DICKS (John). Dicks’ Standard Plays, 112.
Card ID: 573
I FRANCIS, [Appendix, — History and Politias Collection de dootmients inédits siw hisf,olre dt Franoe, ___. [38. PHILIP II, called THE BOLD, Diie oe &irgrndy, and John, called TB ?EAm1Ess, Du!e ot’ Burgindy. Itin6raires de Philippe le Hardi et de Jean Sans Peur, duos de Bourgogn, (1363 — 1419) d’aprs los oomptes do dépenses do leur hôtel, reoueilhis et mis en ordae par E. Petit.1 pp: xxxi. + 719. 4° pj 1888. p
Card ID: 220