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LBY William a:in william|k:it (william) (33)



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    Author: LBY (William)


    go ciii SHIiLBY (William), Dramatist. F4ward the Black Prince; or, the Battle of Poictiers. An historical tragedy, in five acts [and in performed at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane. Printed under the authority of the rnanaers from the prompt book. With remarks by Mrs. Inchbald. pp. 61. Fnntiapiece. • nfl 12 . i,ondon, [boo]. bound in a volume lettered: Inchbald’s 15a’itish Theatre, Vol. III.

    Card ID: 76

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    Author: COMBE (William)


    STERLING Li B RAR REFERENCE ONLY COMBE (William). The Second tour of Doctor Syntax2 in search of consolation: a poem, etc. LBY William Combe. With etchings by !owlandson.] London, 1820. SYNTAX, Doctor.

    Card ID: 326

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    Author: GREEN (William)


    GREEN (William), IAiscellaneous Writer. See LONDON. LAppendix. — iscellaneous.] The Art of living in London: a poem Lby W. Cook). An iuiproved edition, with,..a poetical description of London by W. Green. London, [Walsall printed, . 1820].

    Card ID: 580

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    Author: BLAGDON (Francis William)


    BLAGDON (Francis William). A)j See PALLAS (P. S.) Prave].s through the southern provinces of the Russian Enipire...Translated frori the German Lby F. W. Blagdonj, etc. ondon, 1802-03.

    Card ID: 118

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    Author: SPURDENS (william Tylney)


    Fc SPURDENS (william Tylney). See LONGINUS (Dionysius c.) [De Sublimitate.English . j Longinus on the subliue in writing; translated, with notes original and selected, and three dissertations Lby W. T. Spurdens]. London and Norwich, 1836.

    Card ID: 19

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    Author: TEMPLE (Sir William)


    TEMPLE (Sir William), Bart. The Works of Sir Williani Temple, Bart...[Edited by J.Swift] to which is prefixed the life and charactez. of the author Lby his sister, Lady Giffardj. 4 vols. 8°. Edinburgjj, 1754.

    Card ID: 284

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    Author: MILLAR (William)


    MILLAR (William), Plasterer. Plastering, plain & decorative: a practical treatise on the art and craft, including... descriptions of materials, processes and appliances, and an account Lby G. T. Robins oi’ historical plastering...Edited and remodelled, with ne G. P. Barc Fourth edition, revised & enlarged, with... diagrams and...plates, etc. pp. xiii. + 35 Portrait and tables. 0 8 . London, 1927.

    Card ID: 356

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    Author: NISBET (William)


    Rcp NISBET (William). A Picture of the present state of the Royal College of Physicians of London. Containing memoirs, biographical, critical and literary, of all the resident members of that....body...To which is subjoined an appendix, or, account of the different medical institutions of the Metropolis, scientific and charitable, with their present establishments. LBy W..Nisbet.] 8°. London, 1817. § LONDON. £111.] Royal Cpllege of Physicians.

    Card ID: 281

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    Author: PENN (William)


    jj 1i F”’ F PENN (William), Founder of Pennsylvapia. See FOX (George), Founder of the Society of Friends. A Journal or historical account of the lifE travels, sufferings, Christian expie. ences and labour of love in the wkbT the ministry of...George Fox, . (The preface, being a summary account of the divers dispensations of God to men, . LBy W.Penn.) !.) London, 169k.

    Card ID: 46

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    Author: BROGAN (Denis William)


    Sir BROGAN (Denis William). Conflicts arising out of differing governmental and political institutions. Sec .VASHINGTON (COLUMBIA). Brookirus Institution. Brookings Lectures. 1956. The Changing environment of international relations. LBy) G. Kirk...D.V1. Brogan, etc. pp. 37-64. Washinton, 1956.

    Card ID: 314

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    Author: DONALDSON (John William)


    >(F DONALDSON (John William). The Theatre of the Greeks, etc. [Continued.) -(Tenth edit ionj With a supplementary treatise on the language, metres, and prosody of the Greek ö.re.matists, Lby C.Tate). pp. xii. + 435. °. London, 1887. ‘.‘ - - Di.CCl SOCIT IL [A reprint. pp. xii. + 435. 1ate. and illustrti. - - 8. London, 1891..

    Card ID: 276

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    Author: HALPELUN (Samuel William)


    HALPELUN (Samuel William). Some 20th—century historians: essays on eminent Europeans. LBy various authors.] Edited by S.W.Halperin. [With a memoir of Professor Bernadotte Schmitt and a list of his writings.] pp. xxiv. + 298. 8°. Chicago, 1961. THiS WORK IS NOT IN THE Any reader :nowjng of a C0p3’ fo. uale is asked w inforn the Librathn I—

    Card ID: 250