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LAWRENCE sir Henry a:if john|k:in (john) (4)
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LAWRENCE, sir Henry
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Author: LAWRENCE (sir Henry )
or Edw LAWRENCE (Sir Henry )tn.tgomery). See EWAEDES (Michael). The Necessary hell: John and Henry Lawrence and the Indian &ip ire. 8. London, 1958.
Card ID: 66
Author: TIMBS (John)
STACC \jLR ‘1 - TIMBS (John). Anecdote biography. William Hogarth, Sir Joshua Reynolds, Thomas Gainsborough, Henry Puseli., Sir Thomas Lawrence and J.M.W. Turner. pp. xvi. + 387. Portraits. [s.R.) 0 8 . London 1860.
Card ID: 367
Author: No Author available
BL01 (George Henry), Victorian wortiiiès: sixteen biographies, etc. pp. viii. + 376. Port,rait,s. • 8. condo 1920. CONTAINS: Thomas Carlyle. Sir Robert Peel. Sir Charle Napier. The farl of Sha±’tesbury. -Lord Lawrence. John Bright. Charles •Diokens. Lord Tennyson. Charles Kingsley. G. F. Watts. Bishop Patt,eson. Sir Robert Morior. Lord List1er. W1l1in Norris. J. R. Green. Ceoil Rhodes.
Card ID: 258
63 NU6 Cam Reference only LONDON. liii.] Royal Historical Society. Camden fourth series, 14. Camden miscellany. Vol. XXVI. (1. Ordinances for the Duchy of Lancaster. Edited by Sir Robert Somerville. 2. A breviat of the effectes devised for Wales. Edited by P.R. Roberts. 3. The Muster— Master, by Gervase Markham. Edited by Charles L. Hamilton. 4.’A book of all the several officers of the Court of Exchequer. iby Lawrence Squibb. Edited by William Hamilton Bryson. 5. The Letters of Henry St. John to the Earl of Orrery, 1709—1711. Edited by M.T. Dickinson.) pp. 213. London, 1975.
Card ID: 370