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LAWES William it (william) (6)
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LAWES, William
LAWES, Henry
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Author: LAWES (William)
LAWES (William). Choice psalmes put into muslok for three voices...with a thorough base. Cornpos’d by Henry and W. Lawes...With divers elegies set in musick by sev’rall friends upon the death of W. Lawes. And at the end of the thorough base are added nine OIQflS of three and foure voices, made by W. Lawes. London, 1648. BIBLE. Psalms. Selections. [jh.)
Card ID: 286
Author: LAWES (Henry)
LAWES (Henry). Choice psalmes put into musick for three voices...with a thorough base. Compos’d by H. and William Lawes...With divers elegies set in musick by sev’rall friends upon the death of W. Lawes. And at the end of the thorough base are added nine canons of three and foure voices, made by W. Lawes. London, 1648. See BIBLE.. Psalms. Selections. [gish.]
Card ID: 277
Author: No Author available
3rij : Li tihii co1frcioi BIBLE. Psalms. Selections. [Erijsh.j Choice psalmes put into musick for three voices...with a thorough base. Composed by Henry arid William Lawes...With divers elegies set in musick by sev’rall friends upon the death of W. Lawes. the end of the thorough base are added nine canons of three and fure voices, made by W. Lawes. 4 vols. in 1. Eravins. 4°. Printed by J. YouigjorH. Mose1ed to R Wodenotha: Loridq,. 1648.
Card ID: 364
0S3 Afr AFRICA. The Discription of the contrey of Aphrique (with the cituation of a]. the countreys together, with the perticuler naners, lawes, and ceremonies, of dyuers people inhabityng in the same port). 1554. Translated by William Prat. pp. xi, 174. Scholars’ Facsimilec & Reprints: Delmar, N.Y., 1972.
Card ID: 268
i- j4i. %G..b1J RASTELL (Williani), of the Justices of the Court of Oeeis Bench. See RASTELL (3ohn), Printer. The Exposicions’of the termesof the lawes of England, with divers propre rules andpr±nciples of the lawe • . gathered- both in French and English [by John Rasteil], withthe olde tenures. [Edited by William Rastell.] [London, 1563).
Card ID: 110
CJntij. Lci’r i_LijJ Cit) c STRODE (William), D.D. The Floating island: a tragi—comedy (in five acts and in prose and versej. Acted before his Majesty atOxford, Aug. 29. 1636. By the students of Christ—church. Written by Wil1ian Strode...The aires and songs set by Mr. Henry Lawes, . pp. (48). [D.-L.L.] 40• Printed by TC. for H.Tivfl’çrdetc.: London, 1655.
Card ID: 17