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LAWES Henry a:an david|k:on (david) (2)



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    Author: LAWES (Henry)


    I LAWES (Henry). BIBLE. Hagiographa. gllsh.3 A Paraphrase upon the divine poems. (A Paraphrase upon the Psalmes of 1avid...set to new H. Lawes.) [London] 1643. (.33: . -. —lAnother edition. I (A Para— — phrase upon the psalms of !L%,r: LE David...set to new tunes... by LLawes and in this edition carefully revised and corrected • by .T.9 ‘‘rd,) London, 1676.

    Card ID: 279

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    Author: No Author available


    STERLING LWRARY REFEREr’igjy Hagiographa. [pglish.:] A Paraphrase vpon the divine poems by George Sandys. [Comprising “A Paraphrase vpon Job.” — “A Paraphrase vpon the songs of David... Set to new henry Lawes.” — “A Paraphrase vpon the Ecciesiasts.” - “A Paraphrase vpon the lamentations of Jeremiah” and “A Paraphrase vpon the songs collected ovt of the Old and New Testaments.”] 4 pts. in 1 vol. t fol. y:&àhttLeLatt: Aicmdbn, 1638L The date injht colQphQjl is 1632. Impertectwaptng the titlepage which has been jppiied in phototat facsimile. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 100