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LAVISSE Ernest and RAMBAUD Alfred Nioo1as a:son alfred|k:son (alfred) (1)
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LAVISSE, Ernest and RAMBAUD, Alfred Niooas
Author: LAVISSE (Ernest) and RAMBAUD (Alfred Nioo1as)
t’xc(? 2 Jif LAVISSE (Ernest) And Rambaud (Alfred Nioo1as) Histoire gnra1e du lye sio1e nos sours, [ontinued.) - 10. Les Monarobjes constitutiorinelles, 1813—1647. iL Rvoiutions et guerres nationales, 1848—1870. 12. Le Monde contemporain, 1870—1900. Vo1. i, 5—12 are of the son_gjLtion. —Troisièwe edition. 12 vols. DEPOS1TOR’( 8°. Pari&, 1922—25. Lo1s. 3 4 ar1fl ‘ odedit].on.
Card ID: 118