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LAUDER, Sir John
Author: LAUDER (Sir John)
c LAUDER (Sir John), Bart., Lord Fountairihall. Ili8torical observes of menorab1e occurrents in Church and State, from October 1680 to April 1686. [Edited by A. Urquhart and D. Laing.] CBannayne Club, 66.) pp. xv, 328. Port. Edinburgh, 1840.
Card ID: 44
LAUDER (Sir John), Bart • Lord Fountainhall Journal8 of Sir John Lauder, Lord Fountainhall with his observations on Public affairs and other memoranda, 1665—1876, E1inburrIj, 1900. EDINBURGH. Scottish HIstory Socie. CPublioation No. 36.]
Card ID: 45