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LARWOOD Jacob a:to john|k:to (john) (5)



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    Author: LARWOOD (Jacob)


    cw LARWOOD (Jacob), pseud. [i.e. Herman Diederik Johan von CHEVICflAVEN) and HOTEN (John Camden). [The History of Signboards.] English inn signB: being a revised and modernized version. of History of signboards. With a chapter on the modern inn sign by G.Millar. pp. xv. + 336. Biblio graphy and plates. 4°. Iondon, 1951.

    Card ID: 506

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    Author: N (John Camden)


    QW HOTTLiN (John Camden). LARWOOD (Jacob psç4. [i.e. Herman Diederik Johan von SàHEVICHAV]N] and ROTTEN (John Camden). [The History of Signboards.) English inn signs: being a revised and modernized version of History of sign— boards. With a chapter on the modern inn sign by G.Miliar. 40• London, 1951.

    Card ID: 347

  • card

    Author: HOTTEN (John Camden)


    LcHOTTEN (John Camden). LARWOOD (Jacob), psw. [i.e. Hermami Diederik Johan von SCHEVICHJVEN] and HOTTEN (John Camden). The History of signboards from the earliest times to the present dsy...With illustrations in facsimile by J.Larwood. Fifth edition. 8. London, (a.1871). Seventh edition. i. 8°. London, C.1874J. Eighth edition. 8. ion3or, 1875

    Card ID: 346

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    Author: R (Gerald)


    ci -ii MILLtR (Gerald). La.r LARWOOD (Jacob), pseud. Li.e. fierman Diederik Joha von SCliVIOHAVEN] and HQTThN (John Camden). LThe ]Jistory of Signboards.) English inn signs: being a revised and modernized version of History of sign— boarde. With a chapter on the modern inn sign by G.Llillar. 4. London, 191.

    Card ID: 329

  • card

    Author: No Author available


    ZL q ‘. LARWOOD (Jacob), tseud. [i,e. Herman Diederik Johan von SCHEVICaAVEN3 and HOTTEN (John Camden) The History of signboards from the earliest times to the present day...With illustrations in facsimile by J.Larwood. Fifth edition. pp. x. + 538. 8°. London, L..i87i1. LI •‘ ——.--— Seventh edition. 1 vol. in 12 parts. 8°. ondon, [..18741 Eighth edition. pp. . + 53g. o: Indoi, 1875. (SEE IEXT cARD]

    Card ID: 505