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LANDRY Geoffroy de a:sale antoine de|k:as (antoine) (3)
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LANDRY, Geoffroy de
Author: LANDRY (Geoffroy de)
(xv)L LL S! LA TOUR LANDRY (Geoffroy de) The Book of the Knight of the Tower, Landry.,. Now done into English by A.Vance. LA SALE (Antoine de).. The History and pleasant chronicle of little Tehan de Saintrd... together with the book of the Knight of the Tower, Landry, . 1862.
Card ID: 456
LA POUR LANDRY (Geoffroy de),. The Dook of the. Knight of ta’ Tour-Landry... Translated from the original 1renoh... and edited.. .v.’ith an introdi.iotion and notes by P. Wright London, 1868. IiOiThON. [III. Miscellaneous Institittions, Soóieties, ) Early higlish Text Society. EPiibliotions.J Oricina1 Series. 33.
Card ID: 457
I L2 LA TOUR LANDRY (Geoffroy de). 9O. The Booke of thenseygnementes and techynge that the knyght of the towre made to his doughters. ITranslated by W.Caxton.J (Edited with notes and a glossary by G.BJawlings.) pp. 229 + (3). Plates. 0 4 . London, 1902.
Card ID: 458