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LANDGRAF Artur Michael a:e michael|k:on (e) (3)



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    Author: LANDGRAF (Artur Michael)


    LANDGRAF (Artur Michael). Dogmenge schichte der FrOhscholastik. 4 vols. in 8. 8°. Regensbirg, 1952—56. 1. Die Qnadenlehre. 2 vols. 1952. 2. Die I,ehre von Christus. 2 vole. 1953. 3. Die Lebre von den Sakrunenten. 2 vole. 1955. 4. Die Lehre von der SUnde und ihren Folgen. 2yOls. 1955-56.

    Card ID: 341

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    Author: LANDGRAF (Artur Michael)


    - L” _ LANDGRAF (Artur Michael). .âcs NOTRE DAME (INDIANA). UniYQrS4CS, Dame. Publications in Mediaeval Studies. 2. Commentarius Cantabrigiensis in Epistolas Pa’uJ.i e schola Petri Abaelardi. . .[Edited] by A.Landgraf. Notr Dame, 1937-45.

    Card ID: 346

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    Author: LANDGRAF (Artur Michael)


    LANDGRAF (Artur Michael). See VATICAN. Library. Studi e testi. 117.BIBLE. Appendix. Corinthians. hisce.LLan. eous. Commentarius Porretanus in primam epistolam ad Corinthios. [An anonymous work by one of the school of Gilbertus Porretanus. Edited by] (A.M.Landgraf) Vatican City, 1945.

    Card ID: 347