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LAND William a:land william|k:it (william) (4)
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LAND, William
LAND, Walter William
LAND, William Harrison
Author: LAND (William)
DEPOB1TORY BUCkLAND (William)., Dean of Vesttninater. Reliquie diluvian or, Observations on the organic rernins contained in caves, fissures, and diluval gravel, nd on other geologca1 phenomena attesting : the action of an universal deluge. pp. vii. + (1) + 303. Plates. IL. I.] 4°. London, 1823.
Card ID: 271
Ni (9’ C LAJflLAND (William). See WIEHE (Heinrich). Piers Plowman und die sozialen Pragen seiner Zeit. $msdetten, 1935.
Card ID: 610
Author: LAND (Walter William)
LAND (Walter William). Trusts in the conflict of laws. Validity, construction, administration and taxation of trusts: what law overns...Submitted... for the degree of Doctor of the Science of Law...Columbia University. Iwith a bibliography.] pp. (4) + xxix. + 440. 8°. New York, 1940.
Card ID: 253
Author: LAND (William Harrison)
DEPOSITORY MDR1LAND (William Harrison). An Introduction to economics Lor Indian students. pp. xix. + 343. 8°. London, 1913.
Card ID: 125