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LAMB Charles George in (charles) (9)
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LAMB, Charles
LAMB, Charles George
CURTIS, George William
DYER, George
WHERRY, George
LUCAS, Edward vernUl
No Author available
FREND, William
Author: LAMB (Charles)
YCLI ,z, c LAMB (Charles). (Appendix.] See IHERRY (George). Cambridge and Charles :Lamb. Edited byG.Wherry. Cambridge, 1925.
Card ID: 543
Author: LAMB (Charles George)
EPQSITORY LAMB (Charles George), M.A., So.]). Alternating currents. 2 vols. in 1. 80. Cambridge, 1921.
Card ID: 554
Author: CURTIS (George William)
CURTIS (George William). See LAMB (Mary Ann). Mary and Charles Lamb: poems letters and remains. Now first collected, with reminiscences and notes, by- W.C. azlitt, etc. (Notes of Charles Lamb to TiIas Ailsop, [edited] byG.W.Curtis.) London, 1874.
Card ID: 194
Author: DYER (George)
1vj -7- DYER (George), A.B. WHERRY (George)1 Cambridge arid Charles Lamb. Edited by G.Wherry. (George Dyer and “Dyer’s Frend”, by G.Wherry.) pp. 57—86. Cambridge, 1925.
Card ID: 315
Author: WHERRY (George)
WHERRY (George) Cambridge and Charles Lamb. Edited by G.Wherry. pp. (8) + 90. Portraits, facsimile and. plate. 0 8 . Cambrig, 1925. Contents: The Cambridge Charles Lamb dinners, y_G.erry II. Cambridge and Charles Lambs bX E.Lucas. III. The Earliest chrlLamb dinner, y Sr E.Cosse, IV_GeorgDyer and itDyerIs Frend’, jy G.Wnerry.
Card ID: 507
Author: LUCAS (Edward vernUl)
— LUCAS (Edward vernUl). Cambridge and Charles Lamb. WHERRY (George). Cambridge and Charles Lamb. [By various authors.] Edited by G. Wherry. pp. 29-45. Qambridg, 1925.
Card ID: 218
Author: No Author available
- L1 2.3 £4’, GOSSIE ( Edmund William). The Earliest Charles Lamb dinner. See WHERRY (George). Cambridge and Charles Lamb. dited by G.Wherry. pp. 47—55. Cambridge, 1925.
Card ID: 157
Author: FREND (William)
Y fri FREND (William). WHER1Y (George). Cambridge and Charles Lamb. Edited by G.herry. (George Dyer and “Dyer’s Frend”, by G.Wherry.) pp. 57—J6. Cambridg, 1925.
Card ID: 344
BLOOi1INGTON (INDIANA). Indiana Univers. Indiana University publications. Humanities series. [Con1nue4.] 2. VICKERY (Walter N.) The cult of optimism1 political and ideological problems of recent Soviet literature. 1963. 53. BARNETT (George L.) Charles Lamb: the evo— lution of Ella. 1961+. 54. 1U.BK1N (Gerald). Drama and comiitment: politics in the Americn theatre of tbe thirties. 1964. 55. 1ILLS (Laurens J.) The Tragedies of Shakespae’ ‘Antony and Cleopatra’. 7964. [SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 51