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LAMB Charles a:z charles|k:in (charles) (29)
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LAMB, Charles
LAMB, Charles and, Marr Ann
LAMB, Charles George
LAMB, Charles apd, Ma Arm
Author: LAMB (Charles)
1M / L2 1 LAMB (Charles). [Works.1 The Works of Charles [and 2iIary) Lamb. Edited by W.Macdonald. 12 vols. Portraits, p1aes and illustrations. 8°. London and New York, 1907—30. Vol.6 Is of the thirds and Vols.11—12 of the second dition. 1. The Essays of Elia. 1925. 2. The Last essays of EJ.ia. 1925. 3. Critical essays. 1921. 4. Essays and sketches. 1930. rSEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 453
L1 F LAMB (Charles). [Letters.) Lettere of Charles Lamb, with some account of the writer, his friends and correspondents, and explanatory notes, by Sir T. N. Talfourd... An entirely new edition...revised and...enlarged by’’. C. Hazlitt. (Bohn’s Standard Libray.) 2 vols. - 8°. Lbndon, 1886.
Card ID: 463
MCO OcITY LAMB (Charles). The Adventures of Ulysses. pp. viii. + 120. Frontispiece. 8°. London, [1857].
Card ID: 469
LAMB (Charles). Beauty and the Jeast...With an introduction by A.Lacig. pp. xxiv. + k,2. Plates, 0 8. London and New York [i8j.
Card ID: 472
LAMB (Charles). [Essays of Elia. — Series I.J Essays of Ella, first series. Edited by E.S. Olszewska. pp. xv. + 260. 8. ‘ondon, f1927].
Card ID: 479
53K LAMB (Charles). [Essays of Ella. — Series Ij Ella. 1823. LFacsimile reprint of a öopy in the British Museum. (A Sc olar Press Facslnh1e.) pp. 341. Menston, 1969.
Card ID: 480
LAMB (Charles). [Essays of Elia. — Series 11.1 q-s. The Last essays of Elia. Edited by G.EJ-iollingworth. pp. xvi. + 220 + (2). 0 8 . London, [192j.
Card ID: 482
LAMB (Charles). LEssays of Elia. — Series I. and 11.1 The Essays of E1i...With introduo’tion by E. Rhys. pp. xv. + 34. 0 B • London, [1890].
Card ID: 484
•1 L: i LAMB (Charles). [The Essays of Ella.,— Series I. and II..] Tho Essays of Elia. With introduction and notes by A.Ainger. (!ew edition.) pp. xviii. + 425. 0 8 - Lon and ew York, 1892.
Card ID: 485
LTS ii\ -c1L LAMB (Charles). CEssays of Elia, — Series I and - — II.) The Essys of- Elia.,- (The. last essays of Ella;) Edited, with notes, by 0.-Kent. (The PoIcet Library, 68—69.) 2 vols. i6°. London, 1894.
Card ID: 486
125314 919 LAMB (Charles). Essays of Elia.- Series I. and II. ] - The Essays btElia..Mith ci’itical appreciations old and new. . .Edit.ed b GK. Cbesterton - Holbrook Jackson arid 3. B±’imley Johnson. (fl. Readerst Classics,5). pp. 237. Bath, 1919.
Card ID: 487
YM, L’2ESP LAMB (Charles). [Essays of Elia.— Single Essays.J The Child angel: a dream. [with wood— engravings by P.J.Smith.] pp. (22). 8. [Duiwich, 1910]. No. 351 of 500 copies.
Card ID: 488