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LAKE Kirsopp and NEW, afterwards LAKE silva a:paul !ermann|k:will (paul) (4)



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    Author: LAKE (Kirsopp) and NEW, afterwards LAKE (silva)


    PMiI Lake (Kirsopp) And New, Afterwards Lake (silva). Studies And documents. Edited by K.Lake And S.Lake. 4. Vista Sancti Pauli: the history of the Apocalypse in Latin, together with nine texts. By T.Silverstein. [with a bibito— graphy.] pp. xi. + 229. Diagra. 8°. Loncon [Ba1ti printed), 1935. See PAUL, Saint And Apostle. [Apocryphal Writings.)

    Card ID: 174

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    Author: LAKE (Kirsopp) and NEW, afterwards LAKE (Silva)


    Lake (Kirsopp) And New, Afterwards Lake (Silva). studies And documents. Edited by K.Lake And S.Lake. 5. Faniily II And the Codex1 AlexAndrinus: the text according to Mark. Editedj by S. Lake. pp. xiii. + l5,. D1arams And tables. 8°. London [Baltimore printed] l97.

    Card ID: 175

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    Author: LAKE (Kirsopp) and NEW, afterwards LAKE (Silva)


    Lake (Kirsopp) And New, Afterwards Lake (Silva). Studies And documents, . £ From No. 6 onwards volumes in this series are fully catalogued under the authors.) cso 6. STARR (Richard F.8.) Excavations And protosinaitie inscriptions at Serabit eJ. IChadem. 1936.

    Card ID: 176

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    Author: LAKE (Kirsopp) and NEW, afterwards LIKE (Silva)


    Lake (Kirsopp) And New, Afterwards LIKE (Silva). Studies And docunients. Edited by K.Lake And S.Lake. 1. The Excerpta ex Theodoto of Cleraent of AlexAndria. Edited, with translation, introduction And notes, by R.P.Casey. pp. (10) + 164. 8°.. Loidon [Cambridge, Iass. printed], 1934.

    Card ID: 171