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LAING David a:as william|k:it (william) (2)



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    Author: LAING (David)


    1, •1 LAING (David), ecretry f te.Bazatyn.e QJ.ub. DRITh!MQND (William), of Hawthgrnden. Extracts from the Hawthornden manuscripts, and notes by William Drummond of Conversations with Ben Jonson at Hawthornden, January 1619,. [Edited, with an introduction, by D.LaingJ Edinbu.rh, 1831—32.

    Card ID: 18

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    Author: No Author available


    SCOTLAND. [Appendix. - History and Politics.] The Historians of Scotland. [Volumes in this series are fully catalogued under tl authors.] iX iA 1. JOANNES, de Fordun. Johannis de iordun Chronica gentis Scotorun. Edited by William F.Skene. 1871. 2, 3, 9. ANDREW, of Wyntoun. The Orygynale cronykil of Scotland. (A republication of ttacpherson’s edition, revised and enlarged, wherever it seemed to be required.) Edited by David Laing. 3 vols. 1872—79. [Ssi NEXT CA!D.]

    Card ID: 138