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L t a:l i t’|k:l (‘i) (7)
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L, t
L, t’
L, i t’
T, L outs
L, Ern’t Friedrloh
T, l’trgeret Oiiphent
L, t”au-icc Henri
Author: L (t)
(5Iu) C3cL (t)?IC” C:’_I DESCHPEL (mI1e) BoIleau, Charles Perrault. (Bb1othcue øntempoIn. Lc RonIaItI,sme des CJ.assIpues, +e sérIe.) pp. 337. 8°. ParIs, 1891.
Card ID: 38
Author: L (t’)
frlL (t’) q 9 MOZART (Wolfgang Amadeus). See HOESLI (Irma). Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, . ZurIch, 1948.
Card ID: 498
Author: L (i t’)
L (I t’).. H[RSCHL (SIr John FrederIck WIllIam), Bart. On the forInu1 InvestIgated by Dr. BrInkley for the enera1 term In the development of Lagrange ‘s expressIon for the summatIon of serIes and. for successIve IntegratIons. (Note by A. Cayley.) [From the PhIlosophIcal I’raneactIons of the Royal SocIety, 1860.] pp. 319-323. [De M,) 4°. [London, 1861). Oatalogued from the captIon.
Card ID: 458
Author: T (L outs)
HUBI;IT (L outs). LONQUS. Les F{cmans grecs1 Les pastorales de Ionus. . .es EthIopIennes d’lI4llcdore • • . Traductlcn de uerInevI11e, revue ar L.IIumbert, ParIs, tI38O].
Card ID: 404
Author: L (Ern’t Friedrloh)
tl MIOI4L (Ern’t FrIedrloh). DIe an opogeogTaphIohen Anschauungen MontesquIous Inaugural—DIssertatIon .der.. . 0unIversItat zu HeIdelberg. pp.106. 8°. Benshèm9 1915.
Card ID: 99
Author: T (l’trgeret Oiiphent)
0144G OL]P1IA1T (l’trgeret OIIphent). The Unjust eteward; or, the MInIster’s debt. pp. 311. London and EaIzIburgh, 1896. .1
Card ID: 186
Author: L (t”au-icc Henri)
WElL (t”au-Icc HenrI). 95 f 1 U A bollectIon of panIphIets. ContInued.J I. 7. WJIL (MaurIce HenrI). Un Couple royal en exIl. 1918. 8. WElL (MaurIce HenrI). Un AventurIer pue co:nu du sIc].e dernIer. 1918. 9. BROGLIE (AchIfle, Duke. L’tat den relatIons dIp1omtIques entre 2.a France et la SardaIgne. 1918. 10. BRtJlE DE BARIUrTE (A.C.P.)1 3aron. MarIe-LouIse a Parme. 11. FIESCEII (G.M.) L’Attentat de FIesehI. 1919. 1918. 12. JEIL (MaurIce 1enrI). MetternIch et l’Entete CordIale. 1919. 13. WElL (IlaurIce HerrI). La PrInce:se cle BeIra et La pplIce autrIchIenne. 1q19. 1. WElL (MaurIce HenrI). Len I3onaparte Florence. 1919. [sEE IEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 32