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L William Isaac it (william) (6)
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L, William Isaac
REED, Isaac
IEWTON, Sir Isaac
No Author available
Author: L (William Isaac)
HUIbL (William Isaac). Benjamin Puny and Quakeriem in Rotterdam. [with a bibliograihica1 note.] (Swarthmore College Monographs on Quaker History, 5.) pp. xvi. + 314. Portraits, plates, £llustration and facsimiles. 8°. Swarthmore, 1941.
Card ID: 243
Author: REED (Isaac)
SACON SOOIIITy REED (Isaac). See SHAKESPEARE (William). [Works.} The Dramatic works of William Shakspeare. From the text of Johnson, Steevens, and Reed, •ç. .00 London, 1o49. —L’nott)er edition.j ‘ 0 8. ir.burn and ewrk, 1855.
Card ID: 241
Author: BICKERSTAFFE (Isaac)
L BICKERSTAFFE (Isaac). ILionel and larissa.] .J Lionel and C1arissa, n it is performed at the Theatres Royal. (c— rry’s Ec1jtjn.) pp.v. + (3) + 65. Port rdt and diagram’c 12°. Londor, 1818. Bcu i.rz a volume lettered: Plays VII. —tAnother issue. 1 12 . London, lol See O)RY (William), The New English drama, . Vol.2.
Card ID: 35
Author: IEWTON (Sir Isaac)
PNI L?Y IEWTON (Sir Isaac). jAppenix.] See LAW (Wi lii am). Selected mystical writings of William Law. Edited, enquiry into the influence of Jacob Boehnie on Isaac Newton, by S. Hobhouse, etc. (Second edition, revised.) London, l9L.8.
Card ID: 285
Author: No Author available
‘‘‘ ¶Thortha-d [C.S.C.] rrao [prton) L rjjOfl rfl?. C’fl1V BLANCHARD (William Isaac). See ‘1JRTON (William Henry). The Trials at large of W.Henry Turton and Luke West for the murder of Charles Gutherson... WJUIam. Roalfe for the murder of Richard Barker .Thoma.s Blithe for the murder of Thomas Yilder • and Robert Butler for the murder of James Ielson...As taken in short W.Blanchard, etc. O Rochester, (1780].
Card ID: 96
‘ .— NEWTON (Sir Isaac). [Letters.) Correspondence of Sir Isaac Newton and Professor Cotes, including letters of other eminent men, now first published from the originals in the library of Trinity College, Cambridge; together with an appendix, - containing other unpublished letters and papers by Newton; iith notes, synoptical view of the philosopher a life...By J.Edleston. pp. xcviii. + (2) i- 316. Portrait and diagrams. De M.) L 0 8 . London and Cambridge, i8O. Two autograph letters from William Whewell and two- from J.Edlet.rwi to A.oe Morgan, are — insert,ed _in che volume.
Card ID: 171