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L V a:p will|k:p (will) (3)



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    Author: L (V)


    Malcolm Morley COllection 41S)1L (V) P \J!L t4-tQ A% LTLA_ C-C-4’. I(. Temporary Catalogue Entry

    Card ID: 202

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    Author: WEYDLICH (L V/yss—von)


    WEYDLICH (L V/yss—von). Ueber die Voraussotzungen der elektrisohen TJnfâIIe und deren Rekonstrukt,ion unter Berüoksiohtigtrng der reoht.liohen Gesioht,— cpunkte. [With a bib1iograpby.1 In-. augural—Dissertation.. .der tTniversitAt, Zrieh. pp. 71. Folded diaam. 8°. 1oh, 1912. Bound in a volume lettered: 3Jer Geriohtlioh— 113’aIzinisohe Int,ftut) Zrioh, II2.’ —

    Card ID: 13

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    Author: SBOONOS (loannee L) and HEAD (Barclay v)


    LBP He SBOONOS (loannee L) and HEAD (Barclay v) The Il1ustration of the “Historia nummorurn”: an atlas of Greek numismatics. [By] J.Svoronoe [and) B.V.Head. A new edition adapted from the Greek original as a companion to the reprint eiition of “Historia flUnUncruEl”. Edited y AiL.Cresap. 0 . 8 . Chicago, 19e8. See HEAD (Barclay Vincent). Historia numrnorum, etc.

    Card ID: 113