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L Richard a:in richard|k:0740 (8)
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L, Richard
L, Richard Swarm
L, Richard Swazm
L, Sir Edward Richard
L, Richard Vynne
L, Alfrei Richard
Author: L (Richard)
DE1L (Richard); Vieib und. Welt: eTh Buch Gediobte. pp,165. 8°. !!rltn, (1922).
Card ID: 35
KER8CHAiL (Richard). John Law: die Erfindung der ruodernen anknote. Lwith a bibliography.) pp. 11+3. 8°. Vienna, 1956. L’ N1
Card ID: 98
iA &7A TAUFiL (Richard). See WIELAND (Christoph Martin). [Works.] Wielands geearmnelte Schriften. :lerausgegeben von der Deutschen Akademie der Wissen,schaften tu Berlin... Erste Abteilurig. Vol. 17. Peregrinus Proteus und G6ttergewpriiche. Bearbeitet von Hans Grantzow und Richard TKufeJ. unter Mitwirkung von Hans Werner Seiffert. Berlin, 1976.
Card ID: 328
Author: L (Richard Swarm)
9EPOSITORI LUlL (Richard Swarm). Organic evolution...Revised edition with numerous emexidations. tWith bibliographies.] pp. ac. + 744. Plates. illusratis, &iagrams and tables. 8°. New York, 1947.
Card ID: 53
Author: L (Richard Swazm)
DEPo 1c) WIjL (Richard Swazm). The Pulse of life. (J.) The Evolution of the earth and its in3abitants. A series of, leotures J. BBrrell...R. S. t3U11, , pp. 109—146. New Haven ad 1924.
Card ID: 54
Author: L (Sir Edward Richard)
rfJL I ]5a Rus RUSSElL (Sir Edward Richard) STANDING (Percy Cross). Ibeen on his merits. (A reprint o±’ the edition of 1897). pp.].89. Port Washington, N.Y., and London, 1972.
Card ID: 315
Author: L (Richard Vynne)
SOUTWEI1L (Richard Vynne). Relaxation methods in theoretical physics: a continuation of the treatise Relaxation methods in engineering science. [With a bibliQgraphy.J (Oxford Engineering Science 2 vols. ates .dja.grams, .charts. and tables. 8. Oxford. 1946—56.
Card ID: 555
Author: L (Alfrei Richard)
BTD Wey WElL (Alfrei Richard). Fokker: the creative years. • .Ed.ited. by J.M.Bruce. pp • 1+20. fllustrations, diagrams and tables. 80 • London, 1965.
Card ID: 46