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L, R, Augustine
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Author: L (R, Augustine)
‘YTL Ecso BIIREtL (R, Augustine). nrson: a leoture. pp. 50. CR. 0.] 8°. pn 1903.
Card ID: 39
Author: No Author available
HIJDLESTON (6i1bert..Rbger):,. See AUGUSTINE, Saint, Bishop of }Hppp. LConfesSias LnRlish:L The Confessions of Saint Augustine..Revised and ernended by..R. Hudleston..With an introduction by the seine. london, 1923.
Card ID: 507
D)4-tn. L. LL4c.4 ‘1 If51. + Fe’t ak.Aççn.9_t r.t. i” WAKEFIELD (Edward Gibbon). See BONNER (Augustine R.) The Theories of Edward Gibbon Wakefield and the schemes of.colonization carried out in accordance with them: a bibliography, &s&. 1954.
Card ID: 184
DETROIT STUDIES IN MUSIC BIBLIOGRAPHY. Detroit studies in music bibliography. [Continued.] 4.C1fc2 19. LEE (Douglas Allen). Pe Works of Christoph Nichelmann: a thematic index. 1971. 04 G 48 CG’,c cp iL circ Si 20. GILLESPIE (James Ernest). The Reed trio: an annotated bibliography of original published works. 1971. r 0 {6 L ‘1’ t cbk lUci] Pft L Tj4 ¶ 21. PARKINSON (John A.) An Index to the vocal works of Thomas Augustine Ame and Michael Ame. 1972. [SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 59
.‘R,. •1 AUGUSTINE, Saint, ishopofHp. tWoasJ Sancti Aue1ii Augustini. . .Opera. - .post, Lovaniensinm theo1oorum recensionera casttatus denuo ad antiscriptos codices Gaflicanos, Vaticanos, Anc1icanos, Bo1icos, &c. nec non ad - ec5itiones antiquiores et, castiatiores. Opera et studio monaohorirni ordinis S. Benedlotl conreatione S. Mauri CF’. Delfau, T. Blampin, P. Ooustant and 0. Guesnie.] 10 vols. in 7. [L. I.] fol. Paris, 168—96. Vols. 3 4, 5., and 10 are each in two parts; the two paa4 which form for. 3have eaoh a separate [SEE NEXT CARD]
Card ID: 230
2. AUGUSTINE, Snt, Bishop o1 Hip. {Wo.— Latin and wrench.] uvres, [Contin3,.j 1re série. 2. Prob1rnes iriraux. 1948. e 3. R,’Ascétisme chrtien. 2mn 4. 1)ialogues philosophiues: fondarnentaux. 1943. V 5. Dialogues philosophiques: 6. Dialogues philosophiques: 7. Dialogues philosophiques: dition. 1949. I ProbThmes C4c4.’ II, Dieu et l’me. 1948. III, fle 1’me Dieu. 2me éc3.ition. 1952. IV, La musique. 1947. ISEE NEXT cARD.]
Card ID: 246