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L Pierre a:s pierre|k:s (pierre) (6)
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L, Pierre
L, pierre anie
L, Pierre ôe
L, Pierre Maxime
L, Amin and MANOL, Pierre Ineric
CHAUSSEE, Pierre Claude L ee LANSOH, Gustave
Author: L (Pierre)
DPOsJTQ GRI4L (Pierre). La Vie Rome dans 1’antiquit. (ue-s-j, 596.) pp. 127. Illustrations. plans and diagrams. 0 8. Paris, 1953.
Card ID: 34
Author: L (pierre )anie1)
IiUiL (pierre )anie1), i3ishop of ivranches. rait cle 1’’rigine ctes o:Lahs.-In1iSh.) Lhe :ilstory oL rotaces: an enquiry iLlbo their oriiua1...ade i1ish by S.ewis. pp. (8) + x1 + 149. 0 12. Lonc1o, 1715.
Card ID: 453
Author: L (Pierre ôe)
L’]1STOtL (Pierre ôe). 1ouna1 &es choses wemorb1es advenues thrant le regzie de Henry III, Roy de France, et do Pologne. [By P. de ].‘Estoile,J etc. Cologne, 1720. See EEIRY III, King o France.
Card ID: 188
Author: L (Pierre Maxime)
SCHUffL (Pierre Maxime). Essai sur la Lorination de is pense grecque: introduction historique une 6tude de is philosophie platonicienne...2e dition revue et augniente. [with a bibliographical index.] (BjbIiothque de Phi].o.spphie Conteniporainej pp. xxiii. + 4J2. 80. Pari,. 1949.
Card ID: 314
Author: L (Amin) and MANOL (Pierre Ineric)
ETrL (Amin) and MANOL (Pierre Ineric). Values, trends and alternatives in Swiss society: a prospective analysis. (Pr5eKer Special Studies in International Economics snd Developnent.) pp. 2k). New York, 1973.
Card ID: 316
Author: CHAUSSEE (Pierre Claude) L ee LANSOH (Gustave)
NIVELLE DE LA CHAUSSEE (Pierre Claude) L ee LANSOH (Gustave). Nivelle de la Chausse et la cozudie 1armoyante...Deuxirne dition. . aris, 1903.
Card ID: 363