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L Paul a:pp jean|k:pp (jean) (11)



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    Author: L (Paul)


    ç j:- RçfvLc -Si DUPRfltL (Paul), Count. lee Antiquités jud.alques et le peintre Jean Foucquet, etc. [On a manuscript in the Bib1iothque Nationale containing a French translation of the Antiquitates Judaicae of Josephus, and illustrated by Jean Foucquet. With a bibliography.] pp. 132 + (27) facsimiles0 fol. Paris, 1908 [1907.] This cooy, which belonged to Eenry Yates Thomvson, was vresented to him by the Acadthaie des Inscriptions et 3e11es Lettres. An autograph er of_presentation has been stuck on to the .page bëfôré the f.title.

    Card ID: 226

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    Author: L (Paul)


    C1L’L (Paul). Stir Ia creation d’un rpertoire bibliographique universel1 Note [by H. La Iontaine arid. P. Otlet). INTERNATIONAl 1EPATIOM GR Confrence Bibliographique Internationaae, Buxe11es, 189. Documents, etc. Brussels, i895

    Card ID: 170

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    Author: L (Paul Eugene Louis)


    ¶1’ DESCHAN3L (Paul Eugene Louis). Gazbetta. (1res du Pass) [With a bibliog!’api r.] pp. SOL PIae ana faoimi1ies. 80. C1919.]

    Card ID: 44

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    Author: C (Paul L)


    DEPOITQTq’ STRAC!C (Paul L) Untersuchuflgefl zur r’nnischen Reichspraguflg des zweiten Jahrhiinderts. Vols. 1—3. Plates and tab. fol. Stuttgart, 1931—37. No more published. 1. Die Reichspragung zur Zeit des Traian. 1931. 2. Die Reicthsprgung zur Zeit des Hadrian. 1933, . Die Reichsprgung zur Zelt des Antonlñus Pius. 1937.

    Card ID: 133

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    Author: VRLAINE (Paul l•larie)


    VRLAINE (Paul l•larie). [Letters) 9 Lettres indites Charles orice. Publies et annotee par G. Zayed. [With a bibliography.) (Textes Littraires Franais.) pp. lxxxiv. • 152. Portraits and facsimiles. 80. Geneva and Paris, 1964.

    Card ID: 50

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    Author: L (Paul mjie) and OUESAT (douard)


    APPEI1L (Paul mjie) and OUESAT (douard). Phóoric des fonctiozis algêbriques,eto. [continued.] 1. Etude des fonetions aa1ytiques sur une surface do Riemsnn. 2. Fonctions autornorphes. Par P.. atou.

    Card ID: 61

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    Author: L (Paul Louis Charlee Marie)


    f XTi C52U8 CLAJI€L (Paul Louis Charlee Marie). [T&te d’ . - tqpendix. J See FROND (Marie-Madeleine). Tate d’ Or, ou, 1’ Imagination znythique chez Paul Claudel. - [Paris, 19751.

    Card ID: 271

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    Author: TURNER (Paul Digby L owry)


    TURNER (Paul Digby L owry). See BARCLAY (John), Poet. Author of the ‘!Argenls Euphormio’ s Satyricon. Euphormoinis Satyrican...Translated from the Latin into English for the first time, from the 1605 edItion, by P. Turner...Wood engravings by D. Haris. Golden Cockerel Press:

    Card ID: 505

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    Author: CLAUDEL (Paul L*uis Charles Narie)


    X’rr C52LHa Bru CLAUDEL (Paul L*uis Charles Narie). EL’ hsnge. -Appendix] 5ee BRUNEL (Pierre). ‘L’change’ de Paul Claudel. Prem1re version) Introduc tioti, franents inedits, variantes et notes. [Without the text.) Paris, 19721.

    Card ID: 244

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    Author: INDY (Paul lr1e ‘Thocior Vineit l’)


    INDY (Paul lr1e ‘Thocior Vineit l’). [Appennix.1 Ferva9J. d2vBnt la presse: (press reviers on the first performance oi D’ Thy’ s opera Ferveal in ]€7J. pp. 169. Paris, 1897. bEPOSITOR

    Card ID: 594

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    Author: L (Paul Emile) and KAMP DE F)RIBT (Marie Joseph)


    • • APP1L (Paul Emile) and KAMP DE F)RIBT (Marie Joseph). Fonctione hyperg4orntriqhes et hyper— sphêriques. Polnozuês d’Hermite. [With a bibliography.j pp, viii. +434. 4°. Paris, 1926.

    Card ID: 62