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L Oliver a:l i t’|k:l (‘i) (3)
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L, Oliver
Author: L (Oliver)
CROMWElL (OlIver), Lord Protetor ofthe Counnalth f Scotland nc Ir1?’1d. [IIeters, bpeeches,etc.— I.—I2atIoI.] OlIver Cromwell’s letters and speeches, wIth eluoIdatIons. By T. Carlyle. Lon1on 1885—86. CARLYLE (T.) Thomas Carlyle’s collected works. Vols. 6—8.
Card ID: 62
CROMW&L (OlIver), Jord Protectoof the CQjx[onwejth of England, scotland and Ireland. CAppendIx.—BIoprapy and CrItIcIsm. 8e BALDOCk (Thomas s) —I. General.] CronrIvell as a soldIer, London, 1899.
Card ID: 70
TORY ORO!1VIEIIL (OlIver), Lord. Protector of the Commonwealth of &I1and, scotland and Ireland. IAppendIx. —BIography and CrItIcIsm. — See S!ITR (GcsldwIn). I.General.J Three nglIsh statesmen (Pym, Cromwell, pItt): a course of lectures, eto. London, 1882.
Card ID: 99