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L John Stuart a:are william|k:it (william) (3)
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L, John Stuart
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Author: L (John Stuart)
MH1L (John Stuart). An Examination of Sir William Hamilton’s philosopby, etc. [Continued.) h.P. 2.90 John Stuart Mill on the philosophy of Sir Win. Hamilton. [A review by G.Grote of Mill’e An Examination of Sir William Hamilton’s philosophy.’ The Westminster Review, January 1, 1866.] pp. 1—39. [G.G.] 8. [London], 1866.
Card ID: 230
Author: No Author available
TL_sc. MILL (John Stuait). See KENDML (WillIam L.) • The Political theory of John Stuart Mill. 1925.
Card ID: 255
STUDIES UT ENGLISH LIT.,’RATuRE. Studies in iglish literature. EContinued.) Mouton & Co.: The Hague and Paris, 1964, etc 32. BARNES (Ronald L) The Dramatic comedy of (P. William Somerset Maughem. 1968. CtVC cratc 33. SHARPLESS (F. Parvin). Lhe Literary M,€b criticisn of John Stuart Miii. 1967. (v S 34. SPECTOR (Robert D.) English literary periodicals and the climate o opinion during the Seven Years War. 1966. [SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 308