
Search Term (count):

L George William a:as william|k:it (william) (78)



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    Author: L (George William)


    Malcolm Morley Colicetion “l LOVtL (George William). Look before you leap; or, Wooings and weddings: a coaedy in Live acts. [1846.)

    Card ID: 601

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    Author: E (George William Clarkeon)


    !flE (George William Clarkeon). X rays ... Third edition, etc. 1918. k?L.

    Card ID: 42

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    Author: FEATRERSTONEAUGH (George William)


    53 usa FEATRERSTONEAUGH (George William). See CASS (L. ), General in the Armr of the United States of America. Report...on the memorial of 0. W. Featherstorthaugh. [With a letter from 0. W. Featheretorthaugh.) [Waahngt, 1833.]

    Card ID: 381

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    Author: OESTERLEY (William Oscar Em{l) aM BOX (George Herbt)


    d OESTERLEY (William Oscar Em{l) aM BOX (George Herbt) Translations of early documents. Series I. Palestinian Jewish texts. Pre-rabbinic. [Edited, with introductions, by W. 0. E. Oesterley tnd G. H. Boz.J 10. The Apocalypse of Abraham. Edited, witI a translation from the Slavonic text and notes Land a bibliograi,hy] by 0. H. Box... with the assistance of J. I. Landernan. pp. 99. 8. London and New York, 1919. Se ARAllAM, the .Patriarch. -

    Card ID: 278

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    Author: CONSTABLE (William George)


    /4 rc’tL2 ‘ l-b-G ‘4 CONSTABLE (William George). Collections of historical portraits) and other forms of iconography, in Great Britain, etc. London, 1934, See LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.J Historical Association. [Publications.] No. 96.

    Card ID: 31

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    Author: ULCHER (George William)


    SWrLIC \i L R F’ULCHER (George William). Life of TholEas Gainsborough...[With a list of his works.] By....G.V1. Fulcher. Edited by his son [E.s. FuloherL Second edition. pp. viii. + 248. Frontispiece and plates. [G.G.] 8°. London, [Sudbury print• V ed], i856. With a second engraved titlepage. V

    Card ID: 214

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    Author: OKJN (William George)


    4OKJN (William George). The Midland petsrt: the econom.c and ocia1 history of a Le1cestershir village. pp. xzli. + 322. P1ate, o . Loron awl ew York, 1957. is worz !S ?OT N T-W r.TBRAR’. Any rJ: c’y kr ah is rkc3 L iflft ce

    Card ID: 227

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    Author: VILLIERS (George William Frederick)


    DEPOSITORY VILLIERS (George William Frederick), kth Earl of CJ,arendon. ‘My dear Duchess’: social and political letters [from the Earl of Clarendori and others] to the Duchess of’ Manchester, 1858—1869, fl.. Lndorz, 1956. KENNEDY (Aubrey L.)

    Card ID: 51

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    Author: ARNSTRONG (William George)


    cwcIms LIRY L’J I ‘k fri’ ARNSTRONG (William George), Baron Armstrong. The Industrial resources of the district of the three northern rivers, the Tyne, Wear and Tees: including the reports on the local manufactures read before the British Association in 1863. Edited by Sir W.G. Arinstrong...I.L. Bell...J. Taylor...Dr. Richardson. With notes and appendices. Illustrated with maps, plans and wood engravings. pp. xlii. + (2) + 307. 80. London, Newcastle—upon—Tyne [printed], i86÷.

    Card ID: 179

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    Author: THOMSON (William George)


    5-fr4- 4- THOMSON (William George). 4P.-€cL od1 Tapestry weaving in England from the earliest times to the end of the XVIIIth century. pp. (6) + x. + 172. Plates and illustrations. I P . M. L . 0 4 . London, (1914]. A list of subscribe ,occupying 5 unnumbered leaves, is bound between pp. vi. and vii.

    Card ID: 309

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    Author: SHAKESPEARE (William)


    SHAKESPEARE (William). [Julius Caesar. — Appendixj See CRAIK (George L.) The English of Shakespeare illustrated in a philological commentary on his Julius Caesar...Fifth edition, et. London, 1875.

    Card ID: 43

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    Author: STEWART (William)


    ct STEWART (William), Educationa1 Writer. See CLAPTON (George T.) and STEWART (w.),, Ethational Writer, Les tudes £rançaises dana l’enseignernent en Grande—Bretagne. Paris, 1929.

    Card ID: 256