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KNOX Vicesirnus a:l q|k:l (q) (1)
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KNOX, Vicesirnus
Author: KNOX (Vicesirnus)
TA- KNOX (Vicesirnus). , L-o (.L Liberal eductstion; or, a Practical treatise on-the methods of ucauiring useful and polite learning, etc. 00. xix. + 363. [G.G.) 80. London, 1781. jç.M’) r The third edition. oc. xix. + 415. [Q.M.L.) 80. London, 1781. _____ nA.j) The fourth edition. cm. xix. ÷ 486. [Qd!.L.J 80. London1 1782. i. — The tenth edition to which is added’Q lete tQ..liord North eto. 2 vols. L0.M.L. 60. London, l78i.
Card ID: 584