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KNOX Thomas a:to john|k:to (john) (7)
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KNOX, Thomas
YLE, Thomas
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Author: KNOX (Thomas)
1 (stir) Cc C ‘Pcpt1% sr & “i• KNOX (Thomas), Joun. See OATES (Titus). An Exact and fatthfifl narr&tive of the horrid conspiracy of Thomas !Cnox... and John Lane to invalidate the testi— • moni€s of Dr. Titus Oates, eZs. 1680.
Card ID: 577
Author: YLE (Thomas)
• ‘ --•, F CARI,YLE (Thomas).. [Works. J Thomas Carlyle’s works. (The Ashburton Edition.) [Continued.] Latter-day pamphlets. Norway. John Knox. 1885. b8. Oliver Cromwell’s letters and speeches. ?lith elucidations. 1885. 9—14. History oI’ Friedrich II. of Prussia called Frederick the Great. i886—7. 15—17. Critical and miscellaneous essays. 1887—88 1o [Another copy of Yols. 1-2.1 [L.I.) Ijperfect wanting the ha1f—tj.tes and, portrait. [sEE NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 362
Author: No Author available
., Cv1’) C i. LANE (John), Servant to TitusQate3. See OATES (Titus). An Exact and faithful narrative of the horrid conspiracy of Thomas Knox... and John Lane to invalidate the testi— monies of Dr. Titus Oates, London, i6O.
Card ID: 37
(j’) r L4 ;:y •. ‘r’. I. - OSflONE (William). OATES (Titus). An Exact and faithful narrative of the horrid conspiracy of Thomas Knox, William Osborne and John Lane to invalidate the testimonies of Dr. Titus Oate, London, 1680.
Card ID: 159
%I?4 F C.i1Cf LINDSAY (Thomas 11artjn). What John knox did for Scotch education. (Macmi11n’s Magazine. Vol. XXII. No. 132. October 1870.) pp.461—471. [Q.M.I.] 0 8 ., 1870.] Catalogued from the caption.
Card ID: 352
‘-jJ c.Lflccj M’QRI (Thomas), D.D., the Elder. The. Life of John Knox, containing i1lustr.tions of the history of the Reformation in Scotland, with biogrphioal notices of the principal reformers, and sketches of the progress of literature inSootland...with numerous edditions, and a memoir of Dr. M’Crie by A.Criohton. pp. lx,c. + 470 + (8). LD.—L.L.] 0 8 . London,’ 1847. With a second engraved tit’e—page.
Card ID: 367
• cL P) ç( 144.O(%L4 OATES (Titus). J An xact ad faithful narrative of the horrid conspiracy of Thomas Knox, William Osborne and John tne- to::iiivalidate the testimonies - of Dr. Titus Oatesand Mr. William Bedlo’f’ by charging -them with a malicious contrivance against the E. of Danby arid the said Dr. 9ates with an attempt of sodómy...Published by the appointment of me Titus Oates. pp. •(6) + 36 [or rather 28). fol. London, i680. pp. 258 are jno ectly numbered 33-3& Bound ins volume lettered: Pamphlets on the Pop, Plot. II.
Card ID: 83