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KNOWLES James Sheridan a:old john|k:in (john) (5)
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KNOWLES, James Sheridan
Author: KNOWLES (James Sheridan)
KNOWLES (James Sheridan). The Hunchback: a 1ay) in Live acts [chietly in verse]...Third edition. pp. viii. -F (2 118. [0. G. 8. London, l82.
Card ID: 398
\Ii_, ,c KNOWLES (James Sheridan). Lectures on dramatic literature...never before published. Macbeth. [Being the subbtance of two lectures reprinted from the privately printededition of 1873. Deciphered and arranged from the original manuscripts by S.W.Abbott, and edited by ?.Earvey.J pp. 82. 8. London, 1875. An autoraph letter by Knowles and a portrait of hin are inserted before the titlepag.
Card ID: 402
(?(IX) KNOWLES (James Sheridan). The Love—chase: a comedy, in five acts Land. in verse)...Second edition. pp. (8) +-iii.. 8°. London, 1837. Bounjqjth: The Beggr of Bethrial Green. etc.
Card ID: 404
Malcolm Morley Collection KNOWLES (James Sheridan). Old maids: a canedy in five acts. [1885.] See DICKS (John). Dicks’ Starard Plays, 629.
Card ID: 409
(x) KNOWLES (James Sheridan). Virginius: a tragedy, in five acts [and in verse]. Printed from the acting copy, with remarks, biographicaland critical, by D— G., [i.e. G.Daniel),etc. pp.70. Fz’r1tispiece. 12g. London, Lc. 1830). 1. 6 of ‘[d’ s British Theatre”. ouid with: The Beggar of Bethnal Greenk etc.
Card ID: 412