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KNIGHT Sarue1 a:are john|k:to (john) (1)



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    Author: KNIGHT (Sarue1)


    Ro cQ ov’ KNIGHT (Sarue1), p. The Life of Dr. John Colet, Deaif of S.aul’s in the reigns of ICF!enry ‘Jil. nd He-ry VIII. and founder of S.Paul’s gchool. with an ajend1x corLtirLir soie account of the masters and-more eminent scholars of that foundation, and 3everc1 origna1 papers relating to the said life. pp. (10) + + 494 + (18). portraits, plates and gene ta.. 8°. London, 1724. — net’: edit1oi-.. pp. xix. + 457. Portr: p1ite table. 80. 0xfo, 1823.

    Card ID: 156