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KISTLE Joseph fleeing a:in joseph|k:in (joseph) (1)



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    Author: KISTLE (Joseph fleeing)


    KISTLE (Joseph fleeing). On the stability Of the oxidases Mid their conduct teviard various reatcnts. The conduct of phenolphthalein in the animcl organisri. A test fcr saccharin, and a sImple method of distnguishin between cumc rin owl vanillin. The toxicity of ozone fnd other oxidizing agents to lipase. The influence of chemical constitution on the lipolytic hydrolysis of ethcrcaI salts. Thshinflon, 1906. UUITED STATES OF L1EflCt. [DepErtments of State and Official bodies.] Treasury Dcp.rtnent. - ________ Hospital Lervice. — ityginicLabontory. Bulletin no. 26.

    Card ID: 431